
Pooch Patch Reviews | Some Common Feedback

Some Common Complaints a Customer Can Have For These Pee and Potty Pads A very common complaint by the customers has been the high price of buying the new box every week. After all, not everyone can afford box shopping. Some super active and hyper pets chew the pads. In some situation, the pet owners complain of the fact that their dog very commonly chews away the pads from sides along with their green field. Thus, destroying them. As these products are shipped from long distances in Canada, so there are some chances that some damage is caused to the fresh grass during shipping. After reading all the positive as well as negative pooch patch reviews , as the author of this article, I would like to recommend people to buy these potty pads from pooch patch as these issues are considered and can be fixed easily. These pads make the lives of you and your pet easy. For more info visit